Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Super Simple Photoshop Puppy

Who doesn’t love puppies? (Okay besides people who don’t like puppies) Even if you aren’t a dog person you are going to LOVE this really simple and really impressive Photoshop Puppy! It will have everyone you know saying AWWWWW! The great thing about this tutorial is it almost strictly uses the Elliptical Marquee tool. This means it is really easy and perfect for any photoshop beginner!

Once you have Photoshop Open you need to go to FILE then click NEW.

Once you have clicked NEW a box should pop up. In the box marked WIDTH you want to enter 600. MAKE SURE the little drop down box to the right says PIXELS not INCHES. In the box below marked HEIGHT enter 600. Again MAKE SURE the little drop down box to the right says PIXELS not INCHES. Hit OK.

Once you have your workspace opened you are going to look on the left side of the screen. There you should see a bar that has all different kinds of tools. In the top left corner of that bar there is a tool called MARQUEE. Click on it and hold the mouse button in. MAKE SURE that the tool called ELLIPTICAL MARQUEE is selected.

Once you have your ELLIPTICAL MARQUEE tool selected you are going to go on your workspace and while holding down the shift key on your keyboard you are going to click and drag to make a perfect circle.

Anytime you use the MARQUEE tool, whether it is the rectangular or elliptical, if you hold down the shift key on your keyboard it will make a perfect circle or square!

After you have created your circle you are again going to hold down the shift key. This time you will notice that there is a little plus sign next to your cursor. This means that you will add to the selection that you already have. Now as you hold down the shift key click and drag so that you get a shape that looks like the above image. It may take some practice to get it like you want it but that’s okay. The more you practice the better you’ll get!!

You’ll notice that this time when you hold down the shift key the circle will not be perfect. In fact it will be more like an oval. This is OKAY. We don’t want a perfect circle because this oval will end up being his cheeks.

Next you are going to CTRL CLICK on a mac (right click on a PC) and select STROKE. MAKE SURE you are still in the MARQUEE tool. If you are in any other tool when you right click you won’t have to correct options.

Once the window for the stroke box comes up you are going to set the WIDTH at 5px. Set the color as BLACK and the location as center. Leave the blending mode at normal and the opacity at 100% Click OK.

Your image should look something like the one above. If it does CONGRATS!!! You just made his head! If it doesn't that is OKAY just go back and redo it! The more you practice the better you will get!

Next we are going to create a new layer. ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO CREATE A NEW LAYER Whenever you are working in photoshop you should always try to place each new part on a new layer

Once you have your new layer you are going to use your ELLIPTICAL MARQUEE tool again. Then just click and drag to create an oval for his ear. You can make his ears as long or as short as you want! He is your pup!! Now if you notice you have this moving dotted line in the shape of your ear (you had a dotted line in the shape of the head but I forgot to mention this part OOPS!) You want to make sure to DE-Select this marching line. TO do this just go up to SELECT and DE-Select. If you notice to the right there is a quick little shortcut you can use on your keyboard. Don't worry about that now I will post a list of what are called hotkeys later. Right now it is best to know where everything is located if you are just starting out.

Now we need to move that ear to it is lined up with the body. To do this you are going to go up to EDIT and click on FREE TRANSFORM.

Once you have clicked on free transform you will have a little box appear around your ear. If you move your cursor just outside any of the four corners you will see a little curved arrow. Click and hold and move the ear into a position similar to the one above. Now hit the enter key on your keyboard and the box will go away.

Now I am gonna let you in on a little secret. Instead of using the MARQUEE tool and trying to make another ear that is EXACTLY THE SAME (which, trust me, is a total pain in the butt at times) just go up to the layer tab and click DUPLICATE and Bada Bing Bada Boom you have an EXACT copy of the original layer!!!

Now that you have your copy you are going to move it over to the other side of the head. Next go up to EDIT>TRANSFORM>FLIP HORIZONTAL and it will keep it at the Exact angle you need. Now you may not always want an exact copy of a layer. Maybe you want to break it up a bit. That is fine. The thing to remember about when you are working in photoshop is that you can play with it. Change things move things around. The best way to learn is to play!!

So now you notice that we have his head showing through his ears. Now unless you have X-Ray vision you shouldn't be able to see that. So all we are going to do is just use our eraser and erase the part of the head that you see inside the ears.

So now you should have the completed head for your puppy! Next we will work on the face!!

First we will do the nose. Just use the ELLIPTICAL MARQUEE tool and draw a little oval in the center of his face and fill it with BLACK.

REMEMBER-Create a new layer for the nose.

Now for the eyes. Again just use your ELLIPTICAL MARQUEE tool and create a little oval for his eye. Then just duplicate it like we did with the ears and drag it over to the other side of his face.

Now finally his mouth! Still using your ELLIPTICAL MARQUEE tool draw an oval under his nose then stroke it like we did with the ears and the head.

Then all that's left is to take your eraser and erase the top half of his mouth so that you are left with a smile!!!

You just made a super simple and awesomely adorable puppy in photoshop! Now you can color him in or leave him just like he is!

Here is just a quick example of what it looks like when you color it in! You can get a lot more involved with it but for the time being lets just keep it simple!!

Always remember to play around in photoshop! PHREAK-OUT!!!!!

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